The newest member of the KettleHouse family “K3” arrived in January 2017 after 3 years of arduous labor by many people, agencies and machinery. Its brethren and sistren, K1 (at 602 Myrtle St) and K2 (at 313 N 1st St W), are said to be overjoyed.
Seriously though, our newest venture, “K3” as it’s affectionately known, was built on the banks of the Big Blackfoot River in Bonner, Montana – about 5 miles east of Missoula. Situated on 18 acres of the former Stimson Lumber Co. mill site, we use crystal clear water from the pure aquifer below us to brew up your favorites!
In 2014 Tim, Suzy, and the crew knew it was time to expand… again. After two previous expansions, our distributors in Montana were still asking for more and we were hemmed in on all sides. Additionally, both of our existing facilities are sitting on leased land. “We always knew we needed to find a place that we own,” Tim said in a media interview. “We never had a taproom problem, we had a production problem, and this is to solve that. And sink our roots into property that we own and can’t be bounced out of.”
We started production in January of 2017 and are loving our new digs! When we’re not brewing, we frequently enjoy seeing Osprey dive into the river to fish, Bighorn Sheep scrambling along the hillside, and when it’s hot, we take a dip in the river on our lunch break.
After rearranging some tanks at our two other locations and hauling some extra fermenters out to K3, we have the ability to brew 30,000 barrels per year here. Sitting right at 20,000 barrels at the end of 2017, we can finally spread our wings!
Matt and Zach boxing up some fresh Fresh Bongwater™
Thanks to the passing of new legislation in 2017, we were able to add a third taproom to our KettleHouse family. The Bonner Taproom opened its door to the public in November of 2018. We’re excited to be able to invite our loyal following out to enjoy a beer by the river, take in some scenery, play some games, and maybe even take in a concert or two!